
The University for a Better Future

IT Convergence


Dept. ofIT Convergence

Professional IT Personnel who leade the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era!
The new Dream Job of the Information Oriented Society

The rapid development of the information and knowledge industry in the 21st century is called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the core element of this fourth industry is the “convergence” of information technology. This is an era of innovative change caused by the convergence of advanced information and communication technology, such as AI, IoT, big data and mobile, in the economy and overall society, and promising new occupations are appearing in relevant areas to become a new hope and jobs for young adults. Since its establishment, the Dept. of IT Convergence has been growing based on the teaching of information technology, such as computer information, electronic information and information and communication, and is the only department at Shinsung University that teaches international information technology. Also, it teaches about various ICT convergence areas such as networks, robot programming, IoT, 3D printing, drones, wearable systems, etc. based on systematic foundational competencies from the basics to the practice of computer programming to foster IT convergence personnel who are optimized for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era.

Network and web operation companies, system integration company, remote management computer server operation company, online and mobile app developer, etc.